Gaie Houston
rAskReddit uMemeDork 23h 8R40 31 B4 1 A3 Whats the worst song to play at a funeral 205k 189k share 2 BEST COMMENTS v Q Little Wyrd 17h 2 0 1 Avards UAEIGEIRECEER GER T oR T AV IO S funeral didnt recognise the title however at the intense moment that the curtains drew around the coffin Out blurted the looney tunes theme We were horrified and my dad sat there hunched over glggllng to himself Reply 4
Jeremy Jordan
retiredapple RoBN THis Ts NoT WHAT T MeANT Ilaughed so hard no sound came out 299926 notes
Joseph Mitchell
our wife when you and home from marriage counseling and ou accidentally implied she beats you o the marriage counselor Evidently you stll dohlendrstandwho your Masted x e
Patricia Lee