T O EUOLILTICME LIS Have a baby they said Itll be LT beautiful they said e A mspwfaum IN
aliyah Hohn
Agni Gauss
Sarah Z Q INETYRIEII T i was gonna reply with a pithy dunk but theres just something deeply sad about proudly posting a workplace injury to argue for why you dont ST o VW e N 3 s To T T AN TVIS RTTT0 s NN T CIE Yo RVVE VA e be idk QQuickDickoDick QuickDickMcDick 20h ALUETEEICEE L RN ES Things they are a direct result of getting out of bed working hard ReuilyTe R elTe WTel ok e o 1 LG IRGEALE T Rie
Agni Gauss
o Oliver Clegg v y eF 1dgleVoF Too1 I always imagine dnd wizards to be a bit like wine purists FIGHTER we need a fire spell loVa WIZARD oho well this is interesting opens book aganazzars scorcher letlnleF1aYAeileUle Kol o1 TaptoTOlSRE quick essaim de mtores if thats not too robust at this time of day
Agni Gauss
e What good saMrEa o cr 3 eqn e to eat e SN e
Agni Gauss
S Lee Merritt Esq MeritLaw 1h RETlWilale RN LY g1 YY o Y1 ST RWE TS 1 W IS X0 VT Yo oSIglple R R 1 R o l LoV 1l HESERE AL EYAJER e RGCRELCEDEN aR e NIV oo VA sT To N RN E R oT0 Police in America kill on average 3 o1 r T IS No E VA asWe ETo SIS A Xol killing among developed nations
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