avatar Gaie Houston
think the railgun is perfectly balanced

think the railgun is perfectly balanced

avatar Gaie Houston
Red note printed by the US government backed by silver and reserves blue silver certificate a note that would allow you to trade paper money for silver bullion shot or coinage through banks JGreen note a product made by a Corporation the Federal Reserve and sold to the US government with no backing and no limit cap 4silver quarters 90 pre 1965 hard money with a intrinsic metal value of roughly 15

Red note printed by the US government backed by silver and reserves blue silver certificate a note that would allow you to trade paper money for silver bullion shot or coinage through banks JGreen note a product made by a Corporation the Federal Reserve and sold to the US government with no backing and no limit cap 4silver quarters 90 pre 1965 hard money with a intrinsic metal value of roughly 15

avatar Jeremy Jordan
avatar Joseph Mitchell
Zelda permanently lost her down B he End

Zelda permanently lost her down B he End

avatar Jacob Junior
T Ashley 3 Jenk FlutterSpr 22h Why did they make this soup look like a 5th edition DD sourcebook

T Ashley 3 Jenk FlutterSpr 22h Why did they make this soup look like a 5th edition DD sourcebook

avatar Jacob Junior
Anonymous 060422Sat195343 No68915496 be in Karate have to shit Dont say anything even though we have to run laps around the mat Shit my pants while running laps 192KBJPG with everyone Nobody notices and continues running laps stepping on my shit Now shit is everywhere Suddenly one kid notices and goes up to smell it confirms its shit tells the teacher Dojo is closed for the remainder of the day No

Anonymous 060422Sat195343 No68915496 be in Karate have to shit Dont say anything even though we have to run laps around the mat Shit my pants while running laps 192KBJPG with everyone Nobody notices and continues running laps stepping on my shit Now shit is everywhere Suddenly one kid notices and goes up to smell it confirms its shit tells the teacher Dojo is closed for the remainder of the day No

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