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avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Agni Gauss
Barack Obama o 23m When we first met His Royal Highness Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh he and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Il had already been on the world stage for more than half a century welcoming leaders like Churchill and Kennedy Mandela and Gorbachev As two Americans unaccustomed to palaces and pomp we didnt know what to expect We shouldnt have worried The Queen and Prince Philip immediatel

Barack Obama o 23m When we first met His Royal Highness Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh he and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Il had already been on the world stage for more than half a century welcoming leaders like Churchill and Kennedy Mandela and Gorbachev As two Americans unaccustomed to palaces and pomp we didnt know what to expect We shouldnt have worried The Queen and Prince Philip immediatel

avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Mr. Habekott
IM SORRY SIR BUT YOU NEED 10 MOVE ON IMMEDIAT ELY THE ILLEGAL IMIGIIANTS THE HOTEL ACROSS THE ROAD HAVE COMPLAINED ABOUT YOU Although flawless counts are impossible to come by the HEL SN T ELIT R populations presents a major LI 14 R VA o LT E gy T Housing and Urban Development GLD XL ETER LG BT R LT veterans are homeless on any given night

IM SORRY SIR BUT YOU NEED 10 MOVE ON IMMEDIAT ELY THE ILLEGAL IMIGIIANTS THE HOTEL ACROSS THE ROAD HAVE COMPLAINED ABOUT YOU Although flawless counts are impossible to come by the HEL SN T ELIT R populations presents a major LI 14 R VA o LT E gy T Housing and Urban Development GLD XL ETER LG BT R LT veterans are homeless on any given night

avatar Agni Gauss
animedads folks Im just gonna say it dont think it rains for long enough periods of time it rains hard it sounds good Im comfortable inside but within 5 minutes the jig is up the dream is over think it should rain for longer periods of time than it presently does casual witchcraft a frog made this post idraws dinosaurs the frog is right

animedads folks Im just gonna say it dont think it rains for long enough periods of time it rains hard it sounds good Im comfortable inside but within 5 minutes the jig is up the dream is over think it should rain for longer periods of time than it presently does casual witchcraft a frog made this post idraws dinosaurs the frog is right

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