avatar Gaie Houston
YOU CAN COME TO MY ISLAND BUT get to shoot Arrows at you get to throw Spears at you will not Stop will not Calm Down do not want Combuters

YOU CAN COME TO MY ISLAND BUT get to shoot Arrows at you get to throw Spears at you will not Stop will not Calm Down do not want Combuters

avatar John Paul
u flowury FUCK when i reblogged this didnt even think about weed was genuinely amazed by this tiny ceramic

u flowury FUCK when i reblogged this didnt even think about weed was genuinely amazed by this tiny ceramic

avatar Sophia Rich
International Lie795 10h My boyfriend in college committed suicide right in front of me to this day by far the most traumatic thing to happen to me Can still remember sitting there covered in his blood just not being able to process what just happened S Reply 4 19 Engineer_Gaming1231 5h 31 Award happy cake day P A an N

International Lie795 10h My boyfriend in college committed suicide right in front of me to this day by far the most traumatic thing to happen to me Can still remember sitting there covered in his blood just not being able to process what just happened S Reply 4 19 Engineer_Gaming1231 5h 31 Award happy cake day P A an N

avatar John Paul
LRV R CERGET AL R GERER ol BV just me and said oh fuck no and went back out

LRV R CERGET AL R GERER ol BV just me and said oh fuck no and went back out

avatar Agni Gauss
w Lindsay Y Basically every time we eat dinner my dog starts bawling so we got her a chair s0 she could be included and she hasnt cried since Tom e 3050 B L OS8O 2

w Lindsay Y Basically every time we eat dinner my dog starts bawling so we got her a chair s0 she could be included and she hasnt cried since Tom e 3050 B L OS8O 2

avatar Anthony Miller
EL TN Tl RCREELRGER I ETd L R G T g traditions and culture and opening their TG IR CRGER G ATl IET T R T T T IETENENRV R el o BTG HE R ETE T supremacist and promoting censorship laws SR I Ne T T LW BT TN R G if they criticize you L 70 D D Os i im

EL TN Tl RCREELRGER I ETd L R G T g traditions and culture and opening their TG IR CRGER G ATl IET T R T T T IETENENRV R el o BTG HE R ETE T supremacist and promoting censorship laws SR I Ne T T LW BT TN R G if they criticize you L 70 D D Os i im

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