Agni Gauss
Is rotating then instead of taking long flights why don t we just take off in a helicopter the air bond for 12 hours and land on the opposite side of here why do airplanes take longer to travel from eastern countries to western countries while actually earth is rotating from west to east shouldn t earth rotation reduce supply chains
Anthony Miller
I would have been hella impressed He didnt meet the vibe check So my friend hit me up and she was like how s your dating life and im like gross so i went on a date with this boy a couple weeks ago and he was like let me see some like there s something about you that don t know like you know a cute little question so i immediately did a front flip because i ve been waiting to pull that out the bag
Sophia Rich
520 wil LTE barbohsah 3 30 1 xriginal o henkorsah We took the train and fortunately someone got hit by the train which is really sad so we ended up already saw a stitch of this girl s tick tock over someone clutching their pros about how but in all the description this girl uses to describe a guy getting hit by the train but i just do want to emphasize that for people who are
Anthony Miller