avatar Joseph Mitchell
Brought my guitar to Church today to practice with the worship team Working on learning chords Eventually Id love to join them and use my passion and love for music for Gods use Felt amazing to be apart of just practicing

Brought my guitar to Church today to practice with the worship team Working on learning chords Eventually Id love to join them and use my passion and love for music for Gods use Felt amazing to be apart of just practicing

avatar Agni Gauss
My face when the people who told me to trust the science start telling me how the science changed

My face when the people who told me to trust the science start telling me how the science changed

avatar Patricia Lee
Dad Jokes Dadsaysjokes Yesterday saw an ad that said Radio for sale 1 Volume stuck on full blast said to myself You cant turn that down

Dad Jokes Dadsaysjokes Yesterday saw an ad that said Radio for sale 1 Volume stuck on full blast said to myself You cant turn that down

avatar Zoe ZZZ
Anonymous 042318Mon140038 No97663845 Peter make sure to wear gloves when working with poisonous animals especially spiders and women They like 7KB JPG to stab you with thier fangs and suck out all the life and happiness right out of you Thats all a woman is a hideous poison filled parasite Now know what youre thinking But Uncle Ben youre married to a woman Shut the fuck up Peter dont talk about Ma

Anonymous 042318Mon140038 No97663845 Peter make sure to wear gloves when working with poisonous animals especially spiders and women They like 7KB JPG to stab you with thier fangs and suck out all the life and happiness right out of you Thats all a woman is a hideous poison filled parasite Now know what youre thinking But Uncle Ben youre married to a woman Shut the fuck up Peter dont talk about Ma

avatar Jeremy Jordan
ScottMason hypnoksa Whoopi Goldberg Joy Reid Joy Behar Alec Baldwin and Rob Reiner are confirmed for a new TV series HATE ISLAND in which a group of celebs are dropped off on a remote island to spew ignorance and hate The twist is that there are no cameras and nobody goes back to get them

ScottMason hypnoksa Whoopi Goldberg Joy Reid Joy Behar Alec Baldwin and Rob Reiner are confirmed for a new TV series HATE ISLAND in which a group of celebs are dropped off on a remote island to spew ignorance and hate The twist is that there are no cameras and nobody goes back to get them

avatar Sophia Rich
This shit is cringe Even the Tank one Youre not a tank youre a fat piece of shit The CEO Owns the Hangout the Friend Group Forgiven for al fr The Tank De facto Security and Mediator I the event of emergency the others wil cower behind him for P The Worm Has made the most and the worst ife decisions out of anyone else i the group Deserves and receives no pity The Absentee Has the bes Wil talk to Fe

This shit is cringe Even the Tank one Youre not a tank youre a fat piece of shit The CEO Owns the Hangout the Friend Group Forgiven for al fr The Tank De facto Security and Mediator I the event of emergency the others wil cower behind him for P The Worm Has made the most and the worst ife decisions out of anyone else i the group Deserves and receives no pity The Absentee Has the bes Wil talk to Fe

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