Meme Lord 5000
CapitalismFailed g A QIDEREVAVE Wl Millennials is used in the media to infantilize discredit and instill distrust o i1aNTe Be1Te MaPTo EAVVoTa ol M oA earning fed up generation of 30 SelpglcliplialeSHVilaleRialge0leaRiplA Ve S Kol capitalism police brutality government corruption and a resurgence of hate violence
Meme Lord 5000
ChristianOppression 4 ken olin kenolin1 Unfckingbelievable Jacob Wohl JacobAWohl e 50m firmly believe that every Jew in America should decorate their home with Christmas lights Its called assimilation America is a Christian country 242 likes 177 comments 51 reposts
Meme Lord 5000
ConservativeRacism Ive never seen the media interview a o E Tol e ETETal k oo Vidl alo A ETo N SN 1T p S taught to their children 21 Twitter Web App
Meme Lord 5000