avatar Agni Gauss
dont mind at all having to pay IEXCERVII I R IR oJeTe er Ta R MRS Fo1 really pisses me off is having to SEVACYCERAVHE R R e R el 419 05 Apr 21 Twitter for iPhone Posted in rWhitePeopleTwitter by uamericanthalguy reddit

dont mind at all having to pay IEXCERVII I R IR oJeTe er Ta R MRS Fo1 really pisses me off is having to SEVACYCERAVHE R R e R el 419 05 Apr 21 Twitter for iPhone Posted in rWhitePeopleTwitter by uamericanthalguy reddit

avatar Agni Gauss
g Qasim Rashid Esq v QasimRashid If Bezos kept his 985M in charity to the homeless instead paid Amazons owed 84B in taxesitd be enough for an apt for all 500K homeless ppl in America for 18mo 3 TLDR Amazons corp taxes alone could end homelessness in AmericaBezos would still be worlds richest person 326 PM Nov 23 2019 Twitter for iPhone 976 Retweets 26K Likes n Q Qasim Rashid Esq QasimRashid 17h v

g Qasim Rashid Esq v QasimRashid If Bezos kept his 985M in charity to the homeless instead paid Amazons owed 84B in taxesitd be enough for an apt for all 500K homeless ppl in America for 18mo 3 TLDR Amazons corp taxes alone could end homelessness in AmericaBezos would still be worlds richest person 326 PM Nov 23 2019 Twitter for iPhone 976 Retweets 26K Likes n Q Qasim Rashid Esq QasimRashid 17h v

avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Agni Gauss
The world is a bit chaotic but heres some cute baby animals

The world is a bit chaotic but heres some cute baby animals

avatar Agni Gauss
censorship hate bot seeofreads today got called a bitch at work because insisted a man wear his mask over his nose and then before my brain kicked in said was it not a bitch that nursed Rome so Ill never come out with anything that good in my life again 445 PM 121920 Twitter for iPhone 4546 Retweets 187 Quote Tweets 427K Likes Q T heresiarch heresiarch 4h f Replying to seeofreads and UrsulaV This

censorship hate bot seeofreads today got called a bitch at work because insisted a man wear his mask over his nose and then before my brain kicked in said was it not a bitch that nursed Rome so Ill never come out with anything that good in my life again 445 PM 121920 Twitter for iPhone 4546 Retweets 187 Quote Tweets 427K Likes Q T heresiarch heresiarch 4h f Replying to seeofreads and UrsulaV This

avatar Agni Gauss
When you dissociate in the middle of a conversation and when you come to you gotta act like youve been present the whole time

When you dissociate in the middle of a conversation and when you come to you gotta act like youve been present the whole time

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