avatar Isabella Lewis
Elon Musk respondi Dr Eli David DrEliDavid 1h 9 U1RIeTglo M eeTole M EideTE Tal Q 129 T 1274 Q 8105 5 Elon Musk elonmusk 25min 0 SEETMERGEIRNE WA SIS alla R s S T BT o e CIQN eIV e N ETal AN I CIEN Q 633 11 1414 Q 141K 5

Elon Musk respondi Dr Eli David DrEliDavid 1h 9 U1RIeTglo M eeTole M EideTE Tal Q 129 T 1274 Q 8105 5 Elon Musk elonmusk 25min 0 SEETMERGEIRNE WA SIS alla R s S T BT o e CIQN eIV e N ETal AN I CIEN Q 633 11 1414 Q 141K 5

avatar Olivia Veqqie
The last line in the speech at the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty October 28 1886

The last line in the speech at the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty October 28 1886

avatar jojo9
Im a trucker Im not going to comply If get fired get fired Ive got enough supplies and savings to take my wife and o a free state if need be Civ War is becoming inevitable Stay safe and go to freedom Sic Semper Tyrannis Ben Shapiro L 4 benshapiro Everyone in America has had the ability to get the vaxx Now leave everyone the fuck alone BREAKING The Daily Wire Challenges Biden Administration Vaccine

Im a trucker Im not going to comply If get fired get fired Ive got enough supplies and savings to take my wife and o a free state if need be Civ War is becoming inevitable Stay safe and go to freedom Sic Semper Tyrannis Ben Shapiro L 4 benshapiro Everyone in America has had the ability to get the vaxx Now leave everyone the fuck alone BREAKING The Daily Wire Challenges Biden Administration Vaccine

avatar Jacob Junior
LR gl ellgle

LR gl ellgle

avatar Gaie Houston
After Disney unveiled images of its latest lead Elsa the Snow Queen in the upcoming Frozen fans decided hey had had enough of the typical Disney princess so they made her over Elsa per Disneys usual whitewashing other lead character Anna s also very white falls in line with their typical fair skinnned light hair blue eyes always wearing a glamorous but impractical gown L gu A awesomegirlystuff Wha

After Disney unveiled images of its latest lead Elsa the Snow Queen in the upcoming Frozen fans decided hey had had enough of the typical Disney princess so they made her over Elsa per Disneys usual whitewashing other lead character Anna s also very white falls in line with their typical fair skinnned light hair blue eyes always wearing a glamorous but impractical gown L gu A awesomegirlystuff Wha

avatar Wildone2
Dont forget to turn your clocks back this weekend Im turning mine back to when WELTe

Dont forget to turn your clocks back this weekend Im turning mine back to when WELTe

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