Joseph Mitchell
LGIEToRYo1VIt1aeVANTe gTe cake Im having a Viking MEAT SHIP
Patricia Lee
r My name isand Im 2 ENIEleylee My sobriety date is 1182024 will meet the day with Grace gratitude and love 1 am thankful for waking up eETgaTFoTo To ToTo Ru TR TTo W NETeLHVEETs AL EIA R EVARVR G el lle IR EISET o tribulations to stay sober and go to oLTo R g TSR0 g ISRWVEIAS SETda IFoTo Yo T IEICTR IR NCEIA
Charlie Chocolate
rWhereAreAllTheGoodMen 5 yr evin32 SOV Tl T Te R el e Wy CEY RV EYVETGV G Ty o he wanted in a partner and told him loved how safe he was Because had a habit of choosing bad boys and athletes who were fun but unpredictable But now wanted someone who would be a LT RENGETAE N BNV R CE T VA o M 2 SEICLIERE DA 8