Napoleon Dynamite
101gTTale S 1ao oTo Mo oI5 g Al 51 in peace
Napoleon Dynamite
T O EUOLILTICME LIS Have a baby they said Itll be LT beautiful they said e A mspwfaum IN
Agni Gauss
Sarah Z Q INETYRIEII T i was gonna reply with a pithy dunk but theres just something deeply sad about proudly posting a workplace injury to argue for why you dont ST o VW e N 3 s To T T AN TVIS RTTT0 s NN T CIE Yo RVVE VA e be idk QQuickDickoDick QuickDickMcDick 20h ALUETEEICEE L RN ES Things they are a direct result of getting out of bed working hard ReuilyTe R elTe WTel ok e o 1 LG IRGEALE T Rie
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