Jacob Junior
on pixel camera Xz 16 LI I ETAS This is a 32 billion pixel space camera that can take the largest single image in the world It takes 400 UHD 4K TVs TSR CRTITRT NI EL T Sorry but you cant take selfies with it
Anthony Miller
The Beetle That Farts Fire VLR GICEET T Mo Tolyg o ETo T o TN SRR o WA G RS oSlo Clo eV 1ol 1 with a boiling hot mixture of caustic chemicals Image Credit Getty ImagesDorling KindersleyGeoft Brightiing Reference Resealh posted in the journal Science in2015 See the SEl post for a link There is a species of beetle the Bombardier Beetle that shoots a boiling hot chemical mixture at its enemies by mix